I bought a bottle to bring back to the states, thought about buying another but figured why bother.
An area in London is known as the legal walk because it is where the Inns of Court are located. There are four Inns of Court; Inner Temple, Middle Temple, Lincoln's Inn, and Gray's Inn. The Inns are institutions that provide the barristers (lawyers) with the proper legal education before they are on they own. The institutions are all located near the Royal Courts of Justice. The Inner and Middle Inns share a Temple, but the other two have their own. They also all have their own park/garden. These are amazingly beautiful. I didn't have my camera that day so I was not able to capture any pictures. We got to see the required uniform that they wear. Something that caught my attention was the fact that all barristers have to wear wigs. It was a tradition that never died. After seeing all the Inns of Court we then when to the Royal Courts of Justice, we all got to sit in on a case. Most cases are appeals or civil cases. The case I sat in on was an appeal case to the sentencing. We got to see a real court take place with barristers and their proper attire.
After our court visits we were free to do as we please. My roommates and I went to the Tate Modern Museum This museum is huge, although we spent a great deal of time there we didn't get to see all that much. The art is very interesting, some is very modern while others you have no idea while they even call it art. Some pieces were very interesting while others you didn't even know what it was suppose to be. All in all it was a good experience. Leaving the court we saw a police officer on a horse. This was interesting to see because it is such a common thing in England but never heard of in the U.S.
Following the Museum my roommate Kayla and I headed on a train to Sevenoaks to visit my cousin Erin and her family. On the train ride there we got to see the beautiful country side of London. When we arrived Erin took us around to show us the town of Sevenoaks including the schools her children attend. We stayed over night at her house, which was amazing! Seeing what a traditional English cottage looked like was awesome. Her husband RJ, made us lasagna that tasted so good. It was nice to have such a well known American dish for dinner, that everyone loves.
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